2nd Annual Boot & Sock Drive
Join us from October 31–November 18 for our 2nd Annual Boot and Sock Drive, benefiting Shaw Middle School students and their families. There are students every year who come to school with wet shoes and socks and cold feet, which makes learning very difficult. Having warm socks and a pair of waterproof boots can make all the difference in their day.

When we provide boots and socks to the whole family, we also ensure that parents can get to work with warm feet, and that siblings will also be able to learn. In addition, it allows everyone to get out in the snow together and enjoy the winter fun activities that Spokane has to offer.
We are accepting:
- all adult sizes of winter boots, 5–11
- all adult size socks
- monetary donations
New and gently boots and socks can be brought to:
The Northeast Community Center
4001 N. Cook St.
Spokane WA 99207
By providing a monetary donation, you will allow a student to choose their own boots, and ensure a proper fit.
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