We Need Your Help to Make Evening & Weekend Childcare a Reality

Families Asked. We Listened.

You have told us you’d be more successful if there was evening and weekend childcare available. We’ve been working hard to get $2.5 million of funding into the budget in Olympia to build a childcare center for this purpose.

Reach Out Now

The budget will be set by Valentine's Day, so it is VITALLY important to reach out to the following people now:

Capital Budget leads:

Local Legislators whose constituents would benefit:


I am calling/writing in support of the 2.5-million-dollar capital funding request for an evening/weekend childcare center in Northeast Spokane.

If you, a family member, or neighbor need evening and weekend childcare tell that story.

And here’s what your neighbors say: Northeast Spokane families need a safe option for their children so they can work evening/weekend shifts:

  • 41% of ZONE survey respondents say fluctuating work schedules makes finding childcare more difficult.
  • 85% say they would be able to work more or find a better job if they had the right childcare.
  • 73% report the cost of childcare has replaced paying for basic needs.
  • In interviews with local women whose heritage language is not English, they said what they want most is to work outside the home.
  • Local businesses need more employees able to work evening/weekend shifts and support this solution.

Thank you! Please email Jene Ray JRay@NECommunityCenter.com with any questions about how you can support this community priority.

Your Voice Matters. Together we can make this happen.


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